all tlic Inic positions expert in all the stops, like 7 dancer showsing a doncc From dcvolion to his icacher and a desire to be taught by him showcd Ajita Svamın lus shill in other scapons also Whatci or was lacking in Sagara s rus the Master taught him For such a man had such a icicher So boch engagcii in activities according to their natures crossed thic first period of life and trai cllcd Crossing the boundary of a villager
The dimission to the Jaina monastcrics cxactly followed the method of admission to the Vedic schools there being an officer with thic title of Pravajyatlayaka ulo initiated the notices into the accetic fold and there being anotlicr officct who looked after their moral con duct Tic ulc of the latcr was Nuryapaka Wc learn from the Praya anasara and the Mulacara Sutra iliat an cthical code of conduct of a 1 cry strict type was applied to the guidance of novices of Jaina monasteries Special respect was to be shown to tcachers senior monks and guests
Standing up (wlicn thc clderly monks arrive) following them (when they arc going) showing respect to them) and removal of fatigue these accompanied by salutation and adoration arc not forbidden for monks having auspicious resultant of consciousness 137
The Sramanas with concentrated mind moral discipline and faith must regularly study the scriptures Hc who is simultaneously applied to the cultivation of the trio of right faith knowledge and con duct is said to haic attained concentration and he has perfect as ceticism T?ic Jaina fathers consider the study of the scriptures to be of supreme importance Application to the study of scriptures is of the highest importance. The students of Jaina monasteries received their education boarding and lodging free Begging-tours were prescribed for the students The teachers were required to follow a prescribed scheme of duties which will be evident from the following quotations Preaching alone right faith and knowledge receiving and fecding the pupils and giving instruction in the worship
26 Hemacandra Trisastusalákápuruşacarita vol II tr by Helen M Johnson Ph.D P71
27 Sri Kundakundădrya Pravacanasara, edited by A. N Upadhye M.A. p. 32. Yuse 47
18 Ibid p. yo vers 43 89 Ibid p go verse 3