the encyclopaedic curricula including the Brahmanic the Arts as well as the Jaina courses of studies We learn however from the Prabandha Koşa vol that the seventy two Arts including the Vedas the Vedangas Fine-Arts Military sciences and other scientific courses were offered to Am prince of Kanauj son of king Yasovarman at the Jaina monastery at the city of Morera in Guzerat by Siddhasena " It is however quite likely that all the important Jaina monasteries offered the whole range of encyclopaedic courses of studies with modifications to suit the needs of local society and individuals We have not mate rials at our disposal to prove our contention But we learn from stray references in the Jaina scriptures that eleven of the twelve Angas were offered in the following Jaiha monasteries
(1) Campa -In the Posaha house at Campaka Kamadeva re ceived instruction in the Law from Mahavira his spiritual master
(2) Rajagṛha -The eleven Angas were also taught to novices young or adult in the Gunasıla sanctuary at Rajagṛha There a rich man of the name of Makai renounced the world and took to monastic life and studied the scriptures
(8) Vaisali -At Kollaga a suburb of Vaņijagrama which was in its turn a suburb of Vaisali a householder of the name of Ananda directly became a disciple of Lord Mahavira with some characteristic expressions of piety and devotion 14
(4) Benares -The Jaina sanctuary Kama Mahavana at Bara nası offered instructions in the eleven Angas It is stated that King Alakkha of the above city joined on his retirement from active life the monastic order and devoted himself to an arduous course of studies 1
(5) In the city of Sravasti which was a centre of spiritual culture
Rajasekhara, Prabandhakoda, vol. I p 17
Uvǎagadasão vol. I tr by A. F Rudolf Höernle, 81
13. The Antagadadasão And Anuttarovavaiya Dasão tr by L. D Barnett M.A., D.Lit. p 85
14 The Uvasagadasão vol. I tr by A. F Rudolf Hoernle, pp
15 The Antagadadasão And Anuttarovavaiya Dasão tr by L. D Barnett, M.A., D.Lit. p 96