of army (5) clepartment of religion (6) department of education (7) department of records? (8) department of foreign relations each under 1 superintendent As the names indicate the heads of these departments were responsible officers with requisite qualifications due to learning experience and knowledge of the world The head of the education department was 7 superior Pançlita with the extensive juris diction of all scholars At his discretion he had the right to expel the scholars from the country for twelve ycars The head of the foreignrelation department was a diplomat whose office was to negotiate trea ties and agreements between his own State and other foreign States Each department consisted of gradation of offices very much after the pattern of the modern States There were provincial governors' over the heads of the department and above all was the king the sole symbol of sovereignty representing the supremncy and strength of the States
As in the modern world of this industrial age a variety of trades and industries both on large and small scales existed in Jaina India and the aim of the Jaina scheme of education was to equip the students
necessary qualifications for all these branches of trade and industry as well as for the highet occupation relating to religion and morality In other words the Jaina scheme of cducation had the secular as well as religious aspects
In the present lecture we are especially interested in the depart ments of religion and education with special bearing on the develop ment of the intellectual and cultural life of the community We have textual et idences to show that at a very early period of the Jaina history of India the secular education came to be separated from the religious there being two distinct officers in charge of different departments on religion and education The superintendent of the Tripunisa Reli gious Foundation in Guzerat and the superior Pandita" verc respec
4 Mcrutunga Aciry, Thc Prabandhaantámanı ir by C H Tawncy Mwl. P 148
5 Ibid p 25 6 Ibid P 54 7 Ibid p 100 8 Ibid p 41 p 141 9 Ibid p 186 10 Ibid p 25
in Ibid P 52