undai thic ducci conuol of the ecclesiastical Department though they Inadc clavagini expenditure for the cause of Jainism
The Industry - Fmally a nod must be said icgarding the indusual activities of Jama India Thc Vasjas, the mercantilc community of India was busy with commercial acuuties, and wcic organised into associations much simular lo modern Chambuis of Commcice of the meichanis "Their associations regulated and guide the business activilies of the merchants during thc Jama pouod Then comincicial
Luvilics ncc nol conimel to the vauous prouinces of India but the uch and cntcrpsmg merchants among them caricd on oveiscas trades, thus adimg 10 the ricalii of the country. We have amplc icsciences of suchi ouciscas lades of Indian moichants in Buddhist, Jami and classical Sanshallucu.incs llic mland transportation systems-the incways, the canaluays, the highways and mountain pallis facilitated the inland commerce and the discibution of soieign goods imported into India from soicign countics India was also connccicd nith thic loreign coulies by occanways which scrved as Camicis of hoi ociscas liades instead of osscuing insurmountable baillCIS The city super usou os morals of the youth used to hold a Vocacional Guidance conscience with the mhabitants of the city and the parents of the youths scching such vocational guidance used to be picsent thcsc We have such icscience in the Jama lilciatuies
Thus we see the Indian indusliy was systematised and well oiganised undei a Chambei of Commeice which clccted its own piesidents and other office-bcarcis This associauon functioned as a school soi the uaming of thc youths of the mci cantile community which thus sent to the would liamed moichants The Scculai as well as Bialınanical and Jama monastic schools all co-opciated in the liaining of the youths of the incicanlilc community Wc have scen that their courses of studies wcic icmai hably adjusted to theii demands Consequently the young Vaisya lads mostly succceded in their profession and made
grants to the sprcad ol Jama monasteries and other institutions of the Society
Thus from our biief ieview of the five great Indian institutions of society we come lo the conclusion that all these institutions coopciated with cach other in the spread of culture and three distinct types of institutions viz, (1) the Brahmanic schools, (2) the Arts schools