the suburb of himpillupur" In addition to thic aboic list of wealthy lay olisciples the lord rclictantly acmmcd into his Order Gosala" at l'aniyabhumi un like Dci ndalla prosa liostile to his master and was cypcllal from thic Order Qucen landa 111c of Bimbisara izs ad milied by the Lord onto lus asceuc sold 11 thc Cunisıla monastery at Rajagtln («cc lcriure no 1
Thus cicrusherc lic 175 trily recciice and cnthusiastically goccia and 3 1750 number of people of all ranks and of both sexes becomo buscomarts (suc sticolarble nithe end of lecture no IV) dlaha vira tlıc last of the Irelanlaris discliarged supreincly a synthetic mission by usinuing ilc icichings of lies prcelcccssors and by giving it a final forn Hc contributed towrds thic organization of the churcn and laid minor rules and regulations without which an organization cannot go "Micrc 125 room an Ins folcl both for inonhs and laymon
Lei (is non proceed to offer 7 brick account of the intellectual activities of the frings in different brunchies of secular knowledge which SO to say represent Jaina Renaissance It was the necessary out-come of the Jaina system of education described in our peulous lectures The Jaina Renaissance may be said to be the outcome of the Jaina Reforma tion by wluchi sc mcan the $75l and varied moicmcnt associated with the names of the Tininharas from Rşabha downwards (1) Philosophy -
Our theme namely the Jaina cducational system has not directly much to do with thc Jaina sysicm of pliilosophy which is so very deep rich and subule But it undoubtedly influenced its educational doc trine Tlic pluralistic rcalısın of the Jainas with its peculiarly minute logic claborate psychology and sublime ethical code must have exertel ? powerful influence on the enunciation of their educational philosaphy (2) Religion -
Jainism is 7 distinct religion having a distinct cntity of its 077 It is a combination of metaphysics psychology and what is popularly
18 19 go
Ibid p 100 Ibid appendix i pe Ibid sol II P 97