of hunan occupations Besicles ne laic louclied upon State Focations in connection with our lecture 110 IV
Huung narmic thc msluence of geograplıcal factors on vocations Ict us 1103 turn to tlic discussion of their grographical distributions Herc tlic influence of Location is predoinınant. (a) Campaha
Let us nors begin with Campala We have discussed the top graphy of Carnpala in counction with our lecture no V Repetition has become hercan una ordable necessity for tracing the relationship be tuccn the topography of the city and licr occupruonal activities The city itself was cos cred wh a not noth of roads and in it there were plenty of chicles such as chiots and palunquns litters and carriages all of which were used for the purposc of transportation As might be cxpected in 1 centre of commerce there were good many markets for tlie distribution of goods and there were places incant for the purpose of th and cxcursions so csscnually necessary for the preservation of health of llc ciucns Favourble clinate and excellent situation con tributed to the density of the city s populalion all of whom netc engager I agricultural and cognate putsuits Alinost as a matter of course 11 dcs eloped into a brisk commercial centre resorted to by princes aristocrats and other dignitaries +
As a corollary to the coniquercial prosperity of Campaka its archi tectural grandeur followed as a matter of course affording room for activities to shilled artizans One ancient authority testifies to the splendour of the city thus Its bastions rampast paths doorways gates and arches were lofty its high roads duly divided its gate bars anrı bolts were stout and fashioned by skilful artificers It contained mat kets and bazars thronged with craftsmen content and happy 34
Development of fine arts other than architecture notably music necessarily followed theatrical arts began to flourish and there were innumerable actors and actresses contributing to the gaity us well as to frivolity of the citizens The following words of the text give us an idca of this ancient city in its higlier aspects It was liberal in alms giving, a home of secure and pleasant life dense with nany millions
83 34
The Antagadadasdo And Aruttarovavaiya-dasão p I Ibid Loc. Cit