delusion and possesses perfect knowledge and faith, speaks for the benefit and eternal welfare, and for the final liberation of all beings. (3)
All fetters (of the soul), and all hatred, everything of this kind, should a monk cast aside; he should not be attached to any pleasures, examining them well and taking care of himself. (4)
A stupid, ignorant sinner who never fixes his thoughts on the soul's benefit and eternal welfare, but sinks down through hatred and the temptation of lust, will be ensnared as a fly is caught on glue. (5)
It is difficult to cast aside the pleasures of life, weak men will not easily give them up; but there are pious ascetics (sâdhu) who get over the impassable (Samsâra) as merchants cross the sea. (6)
Some there are who call themselves Sramanas, though they are like the beasts ignorant of (the prohibition of) killing living beings; the stupid sinners go to hell through their superstitious beliefs ?. (7)
One should not permit (or consent to the killing of living beings; then he will perhaps be delivered from all misery; thus have spoken the preceptors who have proclaimed the Law of ascetics. (8)
A careful man who does not injure living beings, is called 'circumspect' (samita). The sinful Karman vill quit him as water quits raised ground. (9)
In thoughts, words, and acts he should do
1 The commentator quotes the following words: brahmanê brâhmanam alabhêta, indrâya kshattram, marudbhyo vaisyam, tapasê sûdram, and explains them: he who kills a Brâhmana will acquire Brahma knowledge. -