If somebody strikes a restrained, resigned Sramana somewhere, he should think: 'I have not lost my life.' (27)
14. It will always cause difficulties to a houseless monk to get everything by begging, and nothing without begging. (28)
The hand (of the giver) is not always kindly stretched out to a monk when he is on his begging tour ; but he should not think that it would be better to live as a householder. (29)
15. He should beg food from the householder when his dinner is ready; a wise man should not care whether he gets alms or not. (30)
'I get nothing to-day, perhaps I shall get something to-morrow;' a monk who thinks thus, will not be grieved by his want of success. (31)
16. If any misfortunel happens and he suffers pain, he should cheerfully steady his mind, and bear the ills that attack him. (32)
He should not long for medical treatment, but he should continue to search for the welfare of his soul; thus he will be a true Sramana by neither acting himself nor causing others to act. (33)
17. When a naked, rough, restrained ascetic lies on the grass, his body will be hurt. (34)
In the sun his pain will grow insupportable; still a monk, though hurt by the grass, will not use clothes ?. (35)
18. When by the heat of summer his body sweats and is covered with dirt and dust, a wise monk should not lament his loss of comfort. (36)
1 Viz. if he falls sick. 2 Tantuga, what is manufactured from threads.