they go naked ? ; they do not scratch themselves; they do not spit; they do not cut their beard, hair, and nails, they do not take any care of their person. (72)
Living in this way they practise many years Sramanahood, and if then they fall sick, or even if they do not, they refuse food and omit many meals by abstaining from food. When they have attained that for whose sake they went about naked and bald-headed, did not bathe, nor clean their teeth, nor protect their head from the sun, nor wear shoes; they slept on the bare ground or a plank or a piece of wood, plucked out their hair, led a life of chastity, entered the houses of strangers, and bore, with indifference, success, failure, honour, disgrace, slights, blame, reviling, threatening, beating, all sorts of hardships, and the twenty-two calamities and troubles; (when they have attained their end), they reach, while they are breathing their last, the highest knowledge and faith, called Kêvala, which is infinite, supreme, unobstructed, unimpeded, complete and full ; and then they obtain absolute perfection, enlightenment, deliverance, final beatitude, and put an end to all misery. (73)
Some become liberated without assuming another body (after quitting the last). But others, having died at the allotted time, are, on account of a residue
? I leave out agattayâ or agamayâ, which is not explained in the Dîpika.
2 Grâmakantaka, either the abuse met with in villages, or the objects of the senses (indriyagrâma).
Bhayantârô bhavanti. Bhayantârô is explained: who go (gantârah) from bhava to Móksha.