wanders from womb to womb, from birth to birth, from death to death, from hell to hell, from pain to pain. His is the southern region, the hell, the dark fortnight?. In the future he will not easily obtain enlightenment. (The conduct described in the preceding) part is unworthy, impure, (&c., see $ 57, all down to) it is thoroughly untrue, and bad. This is the explanation of the first subject, viz. demerit. (68)
Now the explanation of the second subject, viz. merit, is as follows:
Here in the East, West, North, and South there are some such men as abstain from undertakings and possessions, righteous men, men practising righteousness, (&c., all as in § 58, but substitute 'righteous' for 'unrighteous,' down to) men gaining a righteous livelihood. They are of good character and morals, they are easy to please and good. They abstain from killing living beings as long as they live, (&c., all just the reverse of what was said in § 62, down to) whatever other suchlike wicked actions there be, that cause pains to other beings: these men abstain from them as long as they live. (69)
There are such monks as in walking carefully avoid to occasion the death of any living creature, (&c., all as in § 23, down to) as lead chaste lives regulated by the three Guptis, as are free from anger, pride, deceit, and greed, as are calm, tranquil, passionless, happy, free from the Asravas, and bondage, without sorrow; as water does not adhere to a copper vessel, or collyrium to mother-of-pearl
· Compare $ 56 and note i on p. 372.