the sinful resolution (to become a universal monarch in some later birth); descending from the heavenly region Padmagulma, he was born of Kulani in Kâmpilya as Brahmadatta; Kitra, however, was born in the town Purimatâla in the great family of a merchant; when he had heard the Law, he entered the order. (1, 2)
In the town Kâmpilya, both Sambhûta and Kitra (as they were called in a former birth) met again and told each other the reward they had realised for their good and bad actions. (3)
The universal monarch Brahmadatta, the powerful and glorious king, respectfully addressed the following words to him (who had been) his brother (in a former birth): (4)
'We were brothers once, kind to each other, loving each other, wishing well to each other. (5)
'We were slaves in the country of the Dasârnas, then antelopes on mount Kâlangara, then geese on the shore of Mritagangâ, and Svapâkas in the land of Kâsi. (6)
'And we were gods having great power, in the regions of the gods. This is our sixth birth, in which we are separated from each other.' (7)
'Karman is produced by sinful thoughts, and you have entertained them, O king; it is by the influence of this Karman that we were separated." (8)
underwent in many births are common to Brahmans, Gainas, and Buddhists. The whole subject has been exhaustively dealt with by Prof. Leumann in two learned papers in the Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. v, pp. 1 ff., III ff., where an analysis of the various documents which relate this legend is given, and the Prâkrit text of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Lectures together with a German translation is published. For all details, therefore, the reader is referred to Prof. Leumann's papers.