who recognises the truth (stated above) and destroys sinfulness (thinks):
What is discontent and what is pleasure ? not subject to either, one should live ;
Giving up all gaiety, circumspect and restrained, one should lead a religious life. (3)
Man! Thou art thy own friend; why wishest thou for a friend beyond thyself? Whom he knows as a dweller on high", him he should know as a dweller far (from sin); and whom he knows as a dweller far (from sin), him he should know as a dweller on high. Man! restraining thyself (from the outward world) 'thou wilt get free from pain.' Man, understand well the truth! exerting himself in the rule of truth a wise man overcomes Mâra. (4)
The gifted man 2, following the law, sees well his true interest. In a twofold way 3, for the sake of life's splendour, honour and glory (some men exert themselves), wherein they go astray. The gifted ?, touched by calamity, are not confounded. Mind this! the worthy one, in this world, gets out of the creation 4.' Thus I say. (5)
FOURTH LESSON. That man (i.e. the liberated) conquers wrath, pride, deceit, and greed. This is the doctrine of the Seer who does not injure living beings and has put an end (to acts and to samsara). Preventing
There is apparently a pun in the text: ukkålaiyam is explained by ukkâlayitâram=remover (of sins), but as contrasted with důralaiya it has the meaning we have adopted above.
. With knowledge, &c. . For the sake of love and hate, or worldly and heavenly bliss. • If loyaloya is omitted, the last words form the half of 2 sloka.