But when they perceive that the water on their body has dried up and the moisture is gone, then they are allowed to take their meals. (43)
16. There are these eight classes of small things which a mendicant ought diligently to perceive, observe, and inspect, viz. living beings, mildew, seeds, sprouts, flowers, eggs, layers, and moisture.
What is understood by the small living beings? The small living beings are declared to be of five kinds : black, blue, red, yellow, and white ones. There is an animalcule called Anuddharî, which when at rest and not moving is not easily seen by monks and nuns who have not yet reached perfection, which when not at rest but moving is easily seen by monks and nuns who have not yet reached perfection. Monks and nuns who have not yet reached perfection must diligently perceive, observe, and inspect this. Those are the small living beings. (44)
What is understood by small mildew ? Small mildew has been declared to be of five kinds: black, blue, &c. There is a kind of small mildew which has the same colour as the substance on which it grows. Monks, nuns, &c. (see 44, down to) inspect this. That is small mildew.
What is understood by small seeds ? Small seeds are declared to be of five kinds : black, blue, &c. There is a kind of small seeds of the same colour as grain?. Monks and nuns, &c. (see $ 44, down to) inspect this. Those are the small seeds.
What is understood by small sprouts ? Small sprouts are declared to be of five kinds: black, blue, &c. There is a kind of small sprouts of
1 Kanikâ.