At that period, at that age the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira had nine Ganas and eleven Ganadharas. 'Why, now, has it been said, that the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra had nine Ganas, but eleven Ganadharas?'
'The oldest monk of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira was Indrabhûti of the Gautama gotra, who instructed five hundred Sramanas; the middle-aged monk was Agnibhuti of the Gautama gotra, who instructed five hundred Sramanas; the youngest was Vâyubhuti of the Gautama gotra, who instructed five hundred Sramanas. The Sthavira Ârya-Vyakta of the Bharadvâga gotra instructed five hundred Sramanas; the Sthavira Ârya-Sudharman of the Agnivesyâyana gotra instructed five hundred Sramanas; the Sthavira Mandikaputra1 of the Vasishtha gotra instructed two hundred and fifty Sramanas; the Sthavira Mauryaputra of the Kâsyapa gotra instructed two hundred and fifty Sramanas; the Sthavira Akampita of the Gautama gotra and Sthavira Akalabhrâtri of the Hâritâyana gotra, both Sthaviras instructed together three hundred Sramanas each; the Sthaviras Metârya and Prabhâsa, both of the Kaundinya gotra, instructed together
1 Some spell this name Mandilaputra; he and Mauryaputra were sons of the same mother, Vigayadevî, but different fathers; the former of Dhanadeva, the other of Maurya. I do not know any legend which connects this Maurya with a king of the Maurya dynasty, which besides would be impossible from a chronological point of