seven and a half days, in the first month of summer, in the second fortnight, the dark (fortnight) of Kaitra, on its fourteenth day, [while all planets were in their exaltations, the moon in her principal conjunction, and the sky in all its directions clear, bright, and pure ; while a favourable and agreeable low wind swept the earth; at the time when the fields were green and all people glad and amusing themselves]' in the middle of the night while the moon was in conjunction with the asterism Uttaraphalgunt-(Trisalâ), perfectly healthy herself, gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy. (96)
End of the Fourth Lecture.
In that night in which the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira was born, there was a divine lustre originated by many descending and ascending gods and goddesses, and in the universe, resplendent with one light, the conflux of gods occasioned great confusion and noise. (97) 3
In that night in which the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra was born, many demons in Vaisramana's
vîra' is also put in the nominative. It seems that the author or the copyists added the three words Samane Bhagavam Mahâvîre because they usually followed the beginning : tenam kâlenam tenan samaenam. The same disorder occurs in all corresponding passages which we shall meet with later on.
1 The passage in brackets seems to be a later addition; for it is wanting in my oldest MS., and the commentator says that it was not seen in many books. The occurrence of the astrological term exaltation (ukka=ufwua) in this passage proves it to be inserted after 300 A.D. For about that time Greek astrology had been introduced in India, as I have shown in my dissertation : De Astrologiae Indicae · Hora' appellatae originibus, Bonn, 1872. ? Cf. Â kârânga Sätra II, 15, $ 6.
Cf. Âkårânga Sætra II, 15, $ 7.