down one great shower of nectar, sandal powder, flowers, gold, and pearls 1. (8)
In that night the gods and goddesses (of the above-mentioned four orders) performed the customary ceremonies of auspiciousness and honour, and his anointment as a Tirthakara. (9)
Upwards from the time when the Venerable Mahavira was placed in the womb of the Kshatriyânt Trisalâ, that family's (treasure) of gold, silver, riches, corn, jewels, pearls, shells, precious stones, and corals increaseda. (10) When the parents of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira had become aware of this, after the lapse of the tenth day, and the performance of the purification, they prepared much food, drink, sweetmeats, and spices; and having invited a host of friends, near and remote relatives, they distributed, portioned out, bestowed (the above-mentioned materials) to Sramanas, Brâhmanas, paupers, beggars , eunuchs, &c., and distributed gifts to those who wanted to make presents; then they gave a dinner to the host of friends, near and remote relatives, and after dinner they announced the name (of the child) to their guests : (11) 'Since the prince was placed in the womb of the Kshatriyâni Trisalâ, this family's (treasure) of gold, silver, riches, corn, jewels, pearls, shells, precious stones, and corals increased; therefore the prince shall be called Vardhamana (i.e. the Increasing). (12)
The Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira was attended by five nurses: a wet-nurse, a nurse to clean him,
1 Cf. Kalpa, Sätra, $ 98.
. Cf. Kalpa Sætra, § 9o. . The next word, bhivvumdaga, has been left out in the translation.