Also to sounds of wind instruments, viz. the conch, fute, Kharamukhf, or Piripiriyâ. (4)
A' monk or a nun should not, for the sake of hearing sounds, go to walls or ditches, &c. (see II, 3, 3, $f 1 and 2); (5)
Nor to marshes, pasture grounds, thickets, woods, strongholds in woods, mountains, strongholds in mountains ; (6)
Nor to villages, towns, markets, or a capital, hermitages, cities, halting-places for caravans; (7)
Nor to gardens, parks, woods, forests, temples, assembly halls, wells; (8)
Nor to towers, pathways, doors, or town gates; (9)
Nor where three or four roads meet, nor to courtyards or squares; (10)
Nor to stables (or nests) of buffaloes, cattle, horses, elephants, &c. (see 10, § 12); (11)
Nor to places where buffaloes, bulls, horses, &c., fight; (12)
Nor to places where herds of cattle, horses, or elephants are kept; (13)
Nor to places where story-tellers or acrobats perform, or where continuously story-telling, dramatical plays, singing, music, performance on the Vina, beating of time, playing on the Turya, clever playing on the Pataha is going on; (14)
Nor to places where quarrels, affrays, riots, conAlicts between two kingdoms, anarchical or revolutionary disturbances occur; (15)
1 The beginning, 'If a monk or a nun hear particular sounds somewhere, viz.,' and the end, 'they should not resolve to go to suchlike or other places for the sake of hearing sounds,' are in the text repeated in all, $$ 6–16. In the translation the text has been somewhat abridged.