inspected, imbued with life, and avoided to injure them; he, the great Hero. (12)
The immovable (beings) are changed to movable ones, and the movable beings to immovable ones; beings which are born in all states become individually sinners1 by their actions. (13)
The Venerable One understands thus : he who is under the conditions (of existence), that fool suffers pain. Thoroughly knowing (karman), the Venerable One avoids sin. (14)
The sage, perceiving the double (karman) 3, proclaims the incomparable activity 4, he, the knowing one; knowing the current of worldliness, the current of sinfulness, and the impulse, (15)
Practising the sinless abstinence from killing, he did noacts, neither himselfnor with the assistance of others; he to whom women were known as the causes of all sinful acts, he saw (the true state of the world). (16)
He did not use what had expressly been prepared for him; he well saw (that bondage comes) through action. Whatever is sinful, the Venerable One left that undone: he consumed clean food. (17)
He did not use another's robe, nor does he eat out of another's vessel. Disregarding contempt, he went with indifference to places where food was prepared. (18)
Knowing measure in eating and drinking, he was not desirous of delicious food, nor had he a longing for it. A sage should not rub his eyes nor scratch his body. (19)
i Or sinful? bâlâ.
* Upadhi. : Present and future.
• I. e. religious life. o âhâkadam: yathâ yena prakârena prishivâ aprishovâ vâ kritam yathâkritam âdhâkarmâdinâ.