Dropsy and dumbness, look! apoplexy(?) and eyedisease, trembling and crippledness, elephantiasis and diabetes, 2
These are the sixteen diseases enumerated in due order; besides them many illnesses and wounds occur. 3
Contemplating their (i. e. the creatures') death, knowing their births in higher and lower regions, contemplating the fruit (of their acts), hear about this according to truth. 4
There are said to be blind beings dwelling in darkness; once or frequently meeting this lot, they experience pleasant and unpleasant feelings. This has been declared by the awakened ones. (3) There are beings endowed with voice, with taste, waterbeings dwelling in water, beings living in the air:
beings torment beings. See the great danger in this world:;' many pains (are the lot) of the creatures. Men who are given to their lusts, come to destruction through their weak, frail body. “The fool works hard, thinking' that the unhappy one suffers many pains. Knowing that these diseases are many, should the afflicted search after (remedies)?' See ! they are of no avail, have done with them! Sage! see this great danger! Do not hurt anybody! Contemplate. Be attentive! I shall proclaim the doctrine of renunciation 2. (4)
To reap the fruit of their acts they are born in these various families, they increase, are born, grow up, become awakened, and leave the world in due order as great sages. The lamenting parents say to them who proceed on the glorious road : 'Do not
1 The result of former acts.