Those who are free from sinful acts are called anidâna1. Hence a very wise man should not be inflamed (by wrath). Thus I say. (3)
One should mortify (one's flesh) in a low, high, and highest degree, quitting one's former connections, and entering tranquillity. Therefore a hero is careful, a person of pith 2, guarded, endowed (with knowledge, &c.), and always restrained. Difficult to go is the road of the heroes, who go whence there is no return (final liberation). Subdue blood and flesh. (1)
That man is called a worthy one, a hero, one to be followed, who living in chastity [guarding his eyes] shakes off the aggregate3.
He who desires the current of karman, is a fool who has not cut off the fetters of, nor conquered the connection with, (the world.) For such as dwell in darkness, and are without knowledge, there is no success in faith. Thus I say. (2)
'Whence should he have it, who does not get it
1 If we read nivvuda pâvakammehim aniyânâ viyâhiyâ, we have
a hemistich of a sloka.
2 Sârae. The commentators translate it with svârata su + â (â gîvanamaryâdâyâ) +rata (samyamânush/hâne), for ever delighting in the exercise of control. I think the Sanskrit prototype of sârae is sâraka.
These words seem to have formed a sloka, which could easily be restored if we read: purise davie vîre âyânigge viyâhie | vâsittâ bambhakeramsi ge dhunâi samussayam The aggregate is either that of the constituent parts of the body, i. e. the body itself, or that of karman, i. e. the sum of karman.
4 Success in faith.