The Role of the Idca of Kriyavada in Jaina Logic
Different actual philosophies are thus seen to be true within different abstract worlds Thus we can have a Vedantic philosophy of Being or a Buddhist philosophy of Flux Jaina logic concedes to both a partial truth and is basically opposed to the separation of 'semantic' (and) 'syntactical' questions Allernatively, Jaina logic is like the concrete Hegelian dialectic which rests on the principle that 'tout comprendre C'est tout pardonner' Thus Being and Non-being and Becoming as the succession of Being and Non-being, Becoming as the unintelligible Union of Being and Non-being, illustrate the first four steps of the Sapta-bhangi naya Suabhavavada which accepts the unintelligible universe, Sunyavada which denies it and Mayavada which assigns to it a limited reality but a deeper unintelligibility, can be given as illustrations of the last three steps of the seven-fold logic
With an equal interest in the real process of change, while modern science turns to the measurement, correlation and control of physical phenomena, the Jainas turned to the analysis of the stages and means of the soul's bondage and liberation from physical phenomena Science leads to the manipulation of Nature through a physical mechanism , Jaina askesis (tapas) leads to freedom from mechanism