to him For, I could not free myself from attachment. But to-day I have scen in you one who has conquered attachment, and this has really inspired me. I have now resolved to court total detachment I hold you as my master, and I want to make a gift of my all to my master"
Gunadhara--"But why don't you return them to their proper owners 799
Vidhydhara--"Well, sir, all these belong to me, and all these are yours now"
Gudadharam"Very good But I too am under a vow to bestow my all to one who restores the horse to life; and since you have done it, you are henceforth the rightful owner of everything I have"
Vidyadhara--"Sır, you are my superior, and so I cannot accept your treasure ; but, as you say, you are under a vow and so you can no longer retain its ownership. What will happen to all this then 7" Gunadhara gave a solution
“Let us do one thing Let none of us use it. Let it be given as a gift for some public, social or religious purpose.'
The solution appealed to both
From that time, merchant Gupadhara changed the course of his life He became immersed in dharma-dhyana (spiritual meditation). Thus he ended his life
The same merchant has been reborn as Laksmipuoja with so much affluence of wealth and treasure
This revelation revived Laksmipunja's memory of his previous birth. His detachment came up soon and he renounced everything He entered the spiritual order and lived therein enriching his soul practising penance and restraint