"Sir I My yow is fulfilled to-day. I was looking for a daring person, a hero in true sense, and you fulil my expectation."
The two then got married in the presence of the burning lamp. The prince now came to her window everyday and the princess enjoyed his company. She was at the height of her life's joy.
A life spent in joy gives it a long span, grace and development. Already having a divine frame, her physical grace now multiplied manifold, and she showed signs of pregnancy. Her attendants noticed it and reported to the queen, and she in turn brought it to the notice of the king. The king became very angry and said,
“Whoever be the culprit, he must go to hell."
The king immediately returned to the court to decide suitable action His untimely appearance alarmed everybody, but none could muster courage to ask At last, a lady ascertained the reason from the king and said,
"Sir | Have patience I shall get the culprit arrested and drag him before Your Majesty.”
The lady, Bagura by name, applied her ready wit, and, with the assistance of the princess' attendants, got a sufficient quantity of vermillion powder spread on the ground round the princess' chamber. Since the whole thing was done at Dight and with due precaution, the prince had no inkling of it. He came as usual at mid-night and left in the early hours of the morning, with his feet reddened. In the morning, the lady came to the princess' chamber and examined the foot prints. She had no doubt now that this was a human visitor. Then with the intelligence people of the state, she started the search and before long the culprit was under arrest He was presented to the king, who ordered his immediate execution. As the prince was being taken for execution, all people felt sympathy for him A prince of royal blood, he bore the auspicious marks of a prospective king, and people had no doubt that the king had made a mistake by awarding bim capital punishment. They further