divine person. Normally, a god gives a boon to a human being What new thing can this fellor offer of which I may be in need ? But let me see
So thinking, the yoksa said very politely :
"Sire, I do not know of any on the carth, in heaven or 10 the nether world who can offer me anything I do not myself possess. But since you insist, I must ask. May I take it that you will not decline ?"
"Speak out what you want. I stand by my words."
"Then, sir, you take over the administration of this city, I deem you fit for this job. So you rule here and have a nice time I shall help you in all possible manners."
Ratnasar was caught up in his own snares, Thought he, "This fellow offers me a kingdom, and a kingdom is obtaiocd only when auspicious karma is up But already I am under a vow not to acquire a kingdom. And at the same time I am promise-bound to this fellow to honour my words. What is to be done now?"
After some consideration, he said,
“My dear fellow ! As to the acquisition of the kingdom, I am already under a vow not to do so. Therefore, ask for something else What's the utility of gold (ear-ring) that obstructs hearing ?"
"But, sir, you have given me your words of honour, and honest people do not transgress them even if it may cost them their life"
"Since a kingdom becomes a cause of much sige ful activity, I did undertake a vow pretty early never to acquire one. And you will agree, to transgress a vow is the worst of all sinful activities. I cannot strike at my own feet with an axe to suit your purpose, or even to please you So you see, it is necessary for you to ask for something else"
The paksa now lost his temper, "This is very unworthy of an honest man, I must say.