but the illustrations on plate No. 21 and woodcut No. 286 from photographs will explain their form even if it cannot reflect their beauty."
"The astylar temples of the Hindus were useless to the Muslims except as quarries-a purpose to which they were frequently applied but the light columnar style of the Jains not only supplied materials more easily adapted to their purposes, but furnished hints of which the Muslim architects were not slow to avail themselves. The architecture of Ahmedabad for ins tance (A.D. 1410 to 1572) is derived far more directly from the Jain than from any style familiar to their co-religionists in any other part of the world. The same may be said of that of Jaunpur though in the last named city there is hardly a stone that can be said to be derived direct from any previously existing building."
There are also works on Music such as Sangita Dipaka and Sangita Ratnavali. There are also numerous works on rhetorics and Grammar such as Kavyanusasana, Siddha Haima, Hem chandracharya being the leading writer on the subjects.