cause we fear to die. He is no follower of Mahavira, the apostle of Jainism, or of Buddha or of the Vedas, who being afraid to die, takes flight before any danger real or imaginary, all the while wishing that soniebody else would remove the danger hy destroying the person causing it.
Ahimsa, truly understood. is, in ny luurnble opinion, a panacea for all evils--nundane and extra-mundaue. We can never overdo it. Just at present we are not cloing it at all. Ahimsa does not displace the practice of other virtues but renders their practice imperatively necessary before it can be practised even in its rudiments, Lalaji need not fear Ahimsa of his father's faith. Mahavira and Buddha were soldiers, and so was Tolstoy. Only they saw deeper and truer into their profession, and found the secret of a truer, happy, honourable and godly life. Let us be joint sharers with these teachers, and this land of ours will once more be the abode of Gods." (M. K. GANDHI, JAINA GAZETTE P. 262-265,1916.)
We need not repeat here that the doctrine of Ahimsa is much misunderstood and its exact. connotation not known. Lord Mahavira who preached Ahimsa knew how to stand unshaken.