Ahimsa in his lecture on “The greatness of Jainism and its position from the point of view of the science of comparative religions." He says :-"In Jain scriptures the ethical science has been very exhaustively considered. The first question is how all the beings in the world can live peacefully together. Most moralists have failed to solve the same problein and none has arrived at a definite conclusion on the subject. The question has been howeier very siinply and thoroughly considered and answered in the sain scriptures. The answer is 11011-injury to others. This doctrine is not treated nierely philosophically but put into practice with greater strictness and resoluteness than even the ten Commandments of Christianity. Another question as easily and thoroughly answered is the purity of relation between man and woman. This is a question not merely of ethics but also of life and society." (P. 105 Vol. II Jainctar Drashtie Jain by Shri Aniarvijayaji Maharaja.)
MAHATMA GANDHI AND AHIMSA. We would further cite what Alahatma Gaudhi says, as the same has great bearing on this point as well as on the next viz. Political influence. He says :-. With due deference to Lalaji, I must join issue with him when he says that the elevation of the doctrine of Ahimsa to the highest position contributed to the downfall of India: There seems to be no historical warrant for the