dence, and that it has made Power, Will, Chara ter in one word Charitra, "an integral element of perfection side by side with Knowledge and Faith. And Jainism has sought a harmony of all religions and of all philosophical and dialectical standpoints, in its Sarvadharma, and its Anekantavada. At the other end of the scale, in its rock-cut sculptured architecture, Jainism has created the new style, and carried it to a pitch of excellence which places the glories of Mount Abu side by side with the Mausoleum of the Taj among the architectural wonders of the world."
P. 67 The Jain Gazette 1925 Vol. XXI, Nos. 3, 4 & 5.
NOTE No. 61A.
"In the departments of Logic and Metaphysics it attained the very highest development and method. There are not many metaphysicians in India like Umaswami who flourished in the first century A.D., or many logicians like Siddha Sena Divakara of the 6th and Akalanka Deva of the 8th century A.D."
M.A., PH. D., M.B.A.S., T. A. S. B., J. B. S.
Dr. Satishchandra Vidyabhushan in his presidential address at the Jain Literary Conference at Jodhpur said: