This implies that we are dependent upon
Ordinary our organs of perception and upon our ability Sources o'r
Knowledge to re-organize the data of perception into the
-the Sense
organs or system we call Knowledge. To know, we are indriyas. neccesarily dependent on our sense organs ; for, without them the world would be to us a perfect blank. Rob us of our eyes, of our ears, touch and the like, how little should we know of the world in which we live, move and have our being! But inspite of such a bold and an undeniable piece of evidence in this matter-of-fact world, there crops up a question as to the trustworthiness of these our evidences of the sense organs of Sense-ev'the channels of our perception. We all tioned. know how the sages and philosophers of yore differed widely from one another in placing their reliance on these channels of perception in their quest of truth. Some went even so far as to urge all manner of evidence to bring in question the absolute trustworthiness of the senses ; others held it to be the only anthoritative source of knowledge. In these days of modern culture and refinement we can have indeed little patience with those who seriously urge
Relia bility
dence ques.