III. Punya or Virtue or deeds of merit Punya, is that which helps the Jiva in his enjoy. ment of health, wealth and pleasures.
IV. Påpa, or Vice or deeds of demerit is that Papa. which adds to the pain and suffering of the Jiva.
V. Asrava or Infiux, infection or trans. mutation of Pudgal-particles into the soul.The Pudgal particles, which are foreign to the soul, find their way into the soul through mind, speech and other sense organs and thus cause discoloration of the latter giving rise to love, hatred, and the like.
VÍ. Bandha or bondage is the wrong identification of the soul with the Non-soul owing to the atomic transmutation of the latter into the former.
VII. Sambar is the gradual cessation of this influx into the soul along with the development of knowledge. VIII. Närjard is the absolute purging of
Nirjara. the soul of all matters foreign to it.
IX. Moksha is the Freedom of the soul from the setters of the bondage due to Moksha. matters alien to it.
The above is but a general statement with reference to the nine categories or