[ xiii ] month and the days of feasts and every new year's day and in the month of Navroj and one day in the month of Yar Mah on which blessed (day) we were weighed for governing the permanent Kingdom shall be observed year after year as long as the years of our permanent Kingdom shall pass on. On one day there shall be no killing of animals in (our) protected kingdom; and no one on that day shall hunt and catch and kill birds and fish and such like. It is necessary that paying attention to the abovementioned order they shall not deviate and go astray ; in respect of its being carried out and becoming permanent. This shall be considered as (their) duty. Dated the month of Yar in the year 3.
High Court, Bombay.
26th June, 1875.
(A true translation ) (Sd.) Goolam Mohaideen