containing in a fluent style, narrations of a great many legendry stories and accounts. The “Samaraicha Kaha" and the "Mahipal Charium” are also old and important works in Prakrit. In short the Jain literature comprising as it does, all the branches of ancient Indian literature, holds noinsignificant a niche in the gallery of that literature and as is truly said by Prof. Hertal “with respect to its narrative part, it holds a prominent position not only in the Indian literature but in the literatụre of mankind"
The Jains, specially their monks, were never behind in literary activity. Besides Bhadrabahu, Devardiganí, Abhaideya Suri, Haribhadra Suri, as already noticed, we find a great many Jain scholars and philosophers composing works on different subjects over and above their treatises on religion and ethics. Shaktayana, known as one of the eight principal grammarians, was a Jain. He was much earlier to Panini and Patanjali as they reapeatedly mentioned him in their works. Siddhasena Divakar, a contemporary of king Vikramaditya, was the author of many philosophical works.