viz. lives of the Tirthankars, list of sages, and rules and regulations be to followed by the Jain monks. Life of the last Tirthankar Mahavira is elaborately dwelt with, while the lives of the 23rd, 22nd and first are summarily given with few touches of embellishment here and theres from historical point of view and the list of the Jaina Church from the last Tirthankar.
During this festival, the annual or the great Pratikraman or confession called Sambatsari Pratikraman is performed, in order to remove all ill-feelings over all living beings and to ask pardon from all living beings for any act done knowingly or unknowingly in the course of their mutual exchange during the whole year. This is considered to be an act of great merit and as imperative on all the Jains.
Another meritorious and important religious ceremony known as Siddha Chakra worship is celebrated twice a year in the months of Aswin and Chaitra, each lasting for 9 days and called Oliji from the 7th to the 15th of the full moon. On a chauki or small table of wood or stone or on a plate of