minor secta gradually sprang up for the most part on account of different interpretations the pontiffs put on the canonical texts from time to time.
'The principal divisions of the Swetambari sect are :
(a) Pujera. (6) Dundhia or Bistola, (c) Terapanthi.
The original stock is now known as Pujera, as its followers are thorouglı worshippers. The Dundhias had their origin about the year 1587 A.D. and although they re. cognise the images of Tirthankars, they do not indulge in worship with formal rites and formulas. The Terapanthis flourished only lately in the year 1762 A.D., or thereabout and they do not believe in images or allow its worship in any form whatever.
The Digambaris are also subdivided into several sects. The important ones are :
(2) Bispinthi, who allows worship to a certain extent.
(6) Terapanthi, who had their origin about the 17th century A.D., acknowledges