person here becomes a true believer. It is called Avirata because the soul here is still unable to take those vows which strengthen and protect men from the reaction of karma. A person at this stage can control, anger, pride, greed and three other branches of mohaniya karma mentioned above in as much as we can say that this stage is the result of partial or entire subsidence of the seven energies of karma discussed in the first stage. It should also be remembered in this connection that partial subsidence of these energies of karma is very dangerous, because it may cause the soul at this stage to slip back again into lower stages. The soul too at this stage gains five good things which should not also be lost sight of namely, (1) Suma i.e. the power of controll ing anger (2) Samvega, i.e., the knowledge that the world is full of evil and as the law of karma only works here, one should have the least affection for this world: (3) Nirveda i.e., the knowledge that his wife and children do not really belong to him: (4) Anukampa ie. the sympathy or affection to relieve others in distress: (5) Astha i.e.