all that reflection can do is to bring to light, the processes and categories which underlie the unreflective action of intelligence. We must therefore maintain that though reason may accidentally or at the first stage of life may become opposed to faith, its ultimate and healthy action must preserve for us or restore to us all that is valuable in it. Nay in the long run a living faith or immediate vision (Samyak darshan) will absorb into itself the elements of the criticism which is directed against it and it will develop pari passu with other two elements namely: Right knowledge and Conduct. And Jainism by giving equal stress on all the three elements, namely, right vision ie. immediate perception, right knowledge ie. intellectual discrimination, and right conduct i.e. volition may best be characterised as both intuitive and reflective, practical and speculative, conscious and self-conscious!
Let us now discuss the successive stages through which the soul passes from the darkness of ignorance to the illumination of knowledge, from the state of bondage to that of complete deliverance.