in a single cell and draw down its blinds so that you may feel no storm, see no lightning and know nothing till you are struck down? Certainly not, says our Jain teacher, for the expansion of your vision, your intellectual consciousness will help you in having a control over your distresses and it is the only condition of whatever control you may have over them. It is cnly by continuance in thought that we can distinguish their kinds, investigate into their causes and discover their remedies and it is the self-knowledge of suffering that will open up before you the way to its own remedy. Most of the misfortunes and miseries incident to our lite are due to our own ignorance ; to the want of our own true insight into the real nature of things and they are gradually sure to be removed with the expansion of our intellectual and moral endowment.
To understand the principle underlying the arrangement of the gunasthånas, it is necessary to bear in mind the fact that the attainment of every end requires Right Vision, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct Of these three, Right Vision precedes Right