For, it involves a contradiction to say that though moksha is the result of our being true to the injunctions of Jural Ethics yet it is not the effect of cur performing the duties as laid down therein. Of course to maintain your position you will perhaps contend that here karma takes the position of knowledge. Though moksha is not really the product of knowledge yet in common perlance we say deliverance is due to knowledge'! But this your contention we, the Jains, hold is of no avail ; because when we say deliverance is due to knowledge, we thereby mean that the light of knowledge dispells the darkness of ignorance hindering the deliverence and it is because of the light of knowledge dispelling the hindering darkness of ignorance whereby moksha is realised, that we say 'moksha or deliverance is due to knowledge'; but karma cannot remove this dark veil of ignorance. Karma is conceived as hinderance to moksha and this hinderance cannot be removed by karma itself; because karma cannot destroy karma ; rather karma generates karma and untill and unless all karmic energetics are dessipated away from