faith and doctrine and thus work among the laity, for their moral elevation and spiritual enlightenment. Equal consideration was given to both the church and the laity and a Sangha was accordingly organised by each fina. The characteristic of a true Jina is most aptly expressed by Ratna Shekhara in the opening lines of his Sambodha Sattari, which reads as follows:-"No matter, whether he is a Shvetambara or Digambara, a Buddha or a follower of any other creed, one who has realised himself the self-sameness of the soul i. e. one who looks on all creatures alike his own self, is sure to attain salvation."
Jainism is a religion universal-its object being to help,as it does, all beings to salvation and to open its arms to all, high or low, by revealing to them the real truth. The Highest Good is found in loksha or Nirvana-the Absolute Release of the soul from the fetters of births and deaths.
The attainment of Nirvana is usually preceded by development of kevala jnán or absolute and unimpeded knowledge. This is the fifth or last kind of knowledge, the other kinds of knowledge in the order of developments