mukshin as to whether any one of the opposite sex is there at the place of his future destination
where he will be next going. These are the six forms of exterior austerities (bdhya tapa) for regulating and controlling the physical nature of the mumu kshin jiva. Besides, there are six interior austerities (antar tapa) of which the first is,(1) Prayaschitta-penance and repentance
for the blunders committed through pramåd or negligence. It often takes the form of a moral confession to the spiritual guru, or to an other sådhu instead of the ‘sins and crimes one might have done through commission or omission with repentance and accept the penalty to be imposed on him by the guru and act according to the regulations as laid down in the scriptures and repeat every morning micchami dukkadami i.e.
may my sins be forgiven ! 2) Vinaya or Humility-A mumukshin
soul must also cultivate humility,