conduct are but the Five Rules along the lines of which a jiva should move himself to stop the inflow of -karma-matter into its constitution. They are(i) Samayika Charitra—which enjoins on
the mumukshin, the abandonment of bad companions and retirement
to seclusion for meditation. ii) Chedopasthåpannya Charitra--which
enjoins a full and complete confession with repentance to a guru of the sins and crimes done intentionally or otherwise by a mumukshin jiva and humbly submitting to any punishment that might be inflected on him in consequent
thereof. (iii) Parihar Vishudha Charitra.-It goes
without saying that without the purification of the beart, rightvision into the metaphysics of things and thoughts leading to right knowledge resulting in the diefication of the inward self is impossible : we have also in the Bible. "Blessed are the pure