first thing one should try to do is to control the mind which could be done in three ways :
viz.,(a) Asatkalpanaviyogi—which means that
one should not give himself up to excessive. grief and the like at the demise of anyone dear to him or at the loss of anything. One should reflect within himself that all the pleasures of life and living are only temporal : they come and go like the fleeting clouds so there is nothing permanent to be gained thereof for the well-being of the soul which must strive and struggle on and on till the Highest
Good is realised. (6) Samatá-bhâvini—means continuous
thinking along certain line that will bring on the equanimity (samata) of the mind. He must try to realise that for a mumukshin jiva, both love and hate. pain and pleasure, have no value ; for both are but chains, one of gold and the