(C) Ten-fold Yati.dharma. (D) Twelve Bhåvands. (E) Twenty-six Parishahas. (F) and Five Charitras—thus making up fifty-seven kinds in all. (A) The five Samitis--Samiti means the voluntary movements of the jiva in perfect accordance with the Agamus— The samiti is resolvable into five-fold ways as in the following: (i) Irya Samiti—means cautious and care
ful walking, so as not to hurt any one. But this is practically impossible. A slight movement from one side to another will surely kill inany a life. Indeed! but one should be very careful to 'walk in a manner as would cause the least possible injury to life. iryd samiti is imperatively enjoined on the monks who must take special care to examine the ground before he steps' out anywhere. He must not plod through grassy fields; but should take himself to high-ways fully illumived by the scorchingr ays of the sun and