that which it is really not that thing. Or in other words, it is the putting of the notion of a particular thing into that which is not that thing. As for example, putting the motion of a true guru (Sat guru) into that person who is not a true-guru, is mithydtva.
This Mithyatva is the primary root of all evil, all our misery. All the practices of mankind, all the empiric phenomena of life and living are due to this false perception by subreption—Vit!ıya
Darshina. Now this Mithya darshan, as classified by the Jain sages, according to the different forms of its appearance, is of various kinds which for convenience, have been mainly divided into five forms as in the following :(i) Abhigraha Mithyåtva—is that under
the influence of which a jiva thinks that his experience of a thing and knowledge gathered thereof is all right and true, while others' experience and knowledge