with a inonk also consists in keeping to himself anything more than what he really and actually
requires for his physical existence. (6) Krodha or Anger—This is also a source
of sin ; for it like the preceding ones disables a man to keep the equanimity of temper which is but an imperative requisite to obtain a right vision into the metaphysics
of things. (7) Mån or Egotism.—This takes the form
of ahankár or egotistic pedantry in one's movements. This sense of egotism in one, leads him astray from the right path by adding to his anger krodha which rudely dis
turbs the equanimity of temper. (8) Maya or Hypocrisy-This is a kind of
double-dealing revealing itself as it does in the act of simulating, or representing a thing with a motive or purpose which is very different
fron) what is really in the heart. (9) Lobha, Greed or Avarice– This is a
kind of the inordinate desire of