PAPA, VICE OR SIN. Constituent Elements of 'Papa. -Ananda is the prime Good-Philosophy Passion-The doctrine of Indolentia-Eighteen Kinds of 'Papa’–Their Conse
moral weakness.
Having discussed in the last chapter as
to what does Punya (virtue) consist in, we are Papa is naturally led to enquire into the nature of
Papa (vice), the second of our moral categories. Punya and Papa are not only relative but contrary terms as well, each presupposing the other. As the Jains hold if Punya, as we have already seen, is moral strength, Påpa is moral weakness. It is the preponderance of passions, of the senses and the sensibility over reason: it is the rebellion of the lower instincts and impulses against the moral good and the law or duty.
The only notable factor which is found commensurate in both Punya and Pápa is the free will of the agent who performs or com