configuration (Samachaturustrir sunsthån) is due to the action-currents after its names sake set up by some virtuous performances. The having of subha rasa, subha gandhir, subha varna and subha sparshu is the result in the same of way of some Punya done in the past. If one is neither fat nor iean, it is due to the aguru-laghu action currents set up by some virtuous acts. Similarly if any one is so strong and stout as to get the upper-hand over his enemy, it is due to Paraghåt nåma action-currents. The enjoyment of a full and untroubled breathing is due to Uchchåsa nämn'ı actioncurrents.
In the aforesaid manner, the action-currents known as (26) Vilayogati (27) Udyata nama (28) Nirmana 18 ma (29) Tras namu (30) Ba jarnáma (31) Paryapta nama (32) Pratyeka råma (33) Shird nama (34) Shubha nama (35) Subhagu náma (36) Suswar nåma (37) Adeyanāma (38) Yasha nåma (39) Tirthankar náma (40) Tiryancha nama (41) Janushy'a águ (42) Dezdy'u nama, -all these the nature and character of which have been discussed before, in our chapter on