How does Theory determine the Practice-the Jain Ethical Speculation-How it is determined and based on their Metaphysical Speculation --A Contrast between Buddhistic and Jain Morality the Jain Conception of the Summum Bonum.
Το man, his own inner nature, like the outernature which surrounds him, is at first a chaos to be organised into cosmos. As his intellectual interest consists in subduing to the order and system of the world of verities, surrounding him, the varied mass of presentations which incessantly pour in upon him, so as a moral being, his ethical interest lies in bringing the claimant and jarring impulses, propensities and other elements in conformity with the order and system of the rational life. As the business of a theoretical thinker, confined only to his own interest, is to make the world orderly enough as to be fit for habitation, so the business of the moral man, leaving out of account the theoretical and other interests, is to establish order,
a theoretical
The man as and a moral