( XXVII ) Swetamburi temple. The inere location of the Digambari imiges in a corner of the Swetâmbari temples, does not show that these temples belong to them also. Far from this. It rather shows the magnanimity and generosity of the high-souled Swetâmbari custodians of these temples. But this does not go to establish their managing claim cver the temples which exclusively belong to the Swetambari sect. All along they were allowed the privilege of worshipping there for the simple reason that they did not cherish the idea of any selfish motive. Living in wealth and opulence in a period of peace and prosperity under the benign care of the British Government, it is indeed a matter of great regret that instead of paying attention towards the intellectual and spiritual advancement of the community, and other social reforms which have of late become imperative to adapt ourselves to the newer conditions of life and living, our Digambari brethren have now come forward to set the machinery of litigation agoing to unrightiously snatch away from the Swetambaris, the founders and repairers, nay, the real owners of these places of Pilgrimage, so to speak,