which none of the different parts of the body are symmetrical and properly adjusted so as to make the whole configuration attractive and graceful. It is important to note that the configurations of the oudarika bodies that come out of the womb (udur) are more or less determined by the samsthâna nama karma; but those which have no oudarika constitution are not subject to these actioncurrents determinant of the configuration
under discussion.
The word varna means colour or complexion; and the set of action-currents which are determinant of this colour or complexion of the physical constitution of the jiva is called, varna karma or the set of action-currents determinant of complexion. This varna karma is again analysed into prasastha and aprasastha-i.e. pleasing and unpleasing to the eyes from the aesthetic stand point. And these are divided into five kinds as in the following,
50. (i) Krishna varna karma-is the set of action-currents by the influence of